Monday, November 07, 2005

Engrossed in work!!

Life can be very demanding and i have been trying to cope up with it for last two weeks suffering from the bouts of insomnia for the first time in my life.
There simply has been lot of coding work going on in my coding workshop called b-318,rp.Since i remain aloof of the silly hall activities and highly mediocre interhall competitions ,i get ample time to do some quality work and contest with some of the best brains out their in the world.
Last three days have been frenetic wrote a parser for benchmark circuit in 3 hrs straight(very tuff to parse them to the data structure that i am working on),debugging helluva of a c++ project(which may be termed as best datastructure and challenging project i have ever laid my hand upon!!yahoo!!),wrote a toy prog for an utterly boring breadth(courtesy proff) using QT and last but not least the much hyped bioinfo project which i chose to in my fav lang "java".
So i guess coding for this sem has atlast come to an end ....but the assignments don't end here i have to now make a paper model for "lift controller" but fortuantely that assignkent has been done in our second year COAA lab so i guess will have to tapofy it from somebody with some changes in control unit......
Though i admit that above all thing is nerdy talk but can't escape from that as currently i am spending my life among nerds!!I guess this phase of life will also fade away leaving behind the exiquisite golden glittering trail of memoirs which i will always cherish for rest of my journey called "LIFE".

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