Friday, August 26, 2005

review:Y tu Ma mambien(Don't know what it means)

This is going to be a very short review.

Abandoned by their girlfriends for the summer, teenagers Tenoch and Julio meet the older Luisa at a wedding. Trying to be impressive, the friends tell Luisa they are headed on a road trip to a beautiful, secret beach called Boca del Cielo(Heaven's mouth). Intrigued with their story and desperate to escape, Luisa asks if she can join them on their trip. Soon the three are headed out of Mexico City, making their way toward the fictional destination. Along the way, seduction, argument and the contrast of the trio against the harsh realities of the surrounding poverty ensue.

I don't know why i liked movie?
But it was just one of those movie which hits off with u when u see first frame of the movie.The treatment by director was totally unconventional..........The actors were good........Situations were highly realistic.....I watched movie for first 5 min and then couldn't get off as if somebody had cast a spell on me...thanx god i didn't have a test next day.

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